San Francisco Bay Area Development (3.8 AC)
San Francisco Bay Area Development (3.8 AC)
High Density Residential (226 Units max) / Commercial Development Opportunity
Zoning: R-4 District:
The R-4 high-density multifamily residential district is intended to implement the high-density multifamily residential land use designation in the general plan by providing opportunities in select locations, such as near transit stops or neighborhood retail centers, for residential development characterized by a mix of housing types, including single-family homes, two-family homes, townhouses, apartments, and condominiums. The maximum density allowable in this district is 48 dwelling units per acre. Accessory dwelling units and accessory uses are also allowed.
General Plan: High Density Residential for apartments and townhomes. Residential density allowed up to 60 dwelling units per acre.
Partial List of Permitted Uses: Most Retail/ Restaurants, Residential, Multi-Family, Office, Residential Care Facilities
Partial List of Permitted Uses with CUP: Hotel, Community Care Facilities, Day Care Centers, Fast Food Restaurants, Hospitals
Full List of Zoning Allowed Uses (Table 17.32-A): https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/SanPablo/#!/SanPablo17/SanPablo1732.html%2317.32
Summarized Development Standards:
- Height Limit: 6 stories per zoning
- Site Coverage: 75% parcel coverage
Full List of Zoning Development Standards (Table 17.32-B): https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/SanPablo/#!/SanPablo17/SanPablo1732.html%2317.32
AB2345: Additional 50% Density Bonus available